Areas of Interest
Forestry economics and operations research. Decision-making models, economic forecasting, international forestry, development planning, ecosystems management.
Current Projects
Forest management
- Modeling the growth of multi-age, mixed-species shortleaf forests
- Relation between productivity and ecological diversity in forests
- Quantifying the amenity value of forests
Forest product markets
- Modeling the world forest sector (GFPM)
- Econometrics of international demand and supply of forest products
- International wood utilization accounts, and technologies
Research Projects Supported by Extramural Agencies
A. Projects of an international nature
Years | Description | |
2012-2019 | Global Forest Sector Modeling Methods & Applications. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2013 | Potential Impact of Planted Forests on the Global Forest Sector. FAO, Rome. | |
2013 | Impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on the Global Forest Sector. EFICENT-OEF, Nancy. | |
2010-2012 | Global Forest Products Model Development, Validation, and Applications. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2008-2010 | Global Forest Products Outlook. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2006 – 2009 | Coordination of International and National Models. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2005-2010 | Global Forest Sector Modeling and Applications. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2005 – 2008 | Global ForestSector Modeling and Applications. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2004 – 2006 | Trade policies and invasive forest species. USDA-Forest Service SRS | |
2005 | Effects of tariff liberalization on the international trade of forest products, Seneca Creek Associates | |
2004 | Effects of illegal logging on international forest products trade, Seneca Creek Associates | |
2004 – 2008 | Exports and production feedback in forest sector, McIntire-Stennis | |
2003 – 2007 | Trade liberalization and forest resources, CSRS-NRI | |
2000 – 2004 | Economic shocks, trade liberalization and recycling, McIntire-Stennis | |
2002 | Trade and the environment, USDA-Forest Service, Southern Station | |
2001 | Effects of trade agreements onNew Zealand, New Zealand Research | |
1998 – 2000 | Global timber supply models for environmental policy analysis, USDA-NRI. | |
1998 – 2003 | Alternative projections of trade. USDA-Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Experiment Station. | |
1997 – 2000 | Forest products trade modeling and policy analysis, McIntire-Stennis. | |
1995 | International trade liberalization, growth of forest product industries, and impacts – on forest resources. USDA-Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Experiment Station. | |
1997 – 1998 | Forestry products outlook analysis. FAO. | |
1996 | Upgrading the FAO global outlook projections system. FAO. | |
1995 | Analysis and forecasting of the impacts of GATT and NAFTA onU.S.forest products industry. USDA-NRI. | |
1995 | Timber trends and prospects in Asia-Pacific. FAO. | |
1994 | Economic substitution of tropical and temperate timbers. USDA-Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. | |
1994 | Methods for long-term forecasting of forest product markets. United Nations-Fao,Rome,Italy. | |
1994 | Advanced modeling of the North American pulp and paper sector, Phase II. USDA-NRI. | |
1993 | Advanced modeling of the North American pulp and paper sector. USDA-NRI. | |
1993 | Forest sector modeling: Training materials. World Bank. | |
1992 | Effects of a log export ban on the forest sector of Indonesia. USDA-Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. | |
1991 | Adapting PELPS methodology to Canada. Canadian Forest Service. | |
1991 | Forestry sector model for Nigeria. World Bank. | |
1990 | The role of Brazilin the world timber economy. USDA-Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. | |
1989 | Evaluation of forestry statistics data bases. United Nations – FAO, Rome, Italy. | |
1988 | Effect of tariffs in UCBT countries on the international trade of tropical timbers. International Tropical Timber Organization. Yokohama, Japan. | |
1985 | Stability of demand elasticities for forest products. United Nations – FAO, Rome, Italy | |
1984 | Computerization of pulp and paper capacity statistics. United Nations-FAO, Rome, Italy | |
1984 | International trade of tropical logs. Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Paris, France | |
1983 | Future of the US pulp and paper industry in the world market. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin | |
1983 | Modeling of international trade of forest products. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria | |
1982 | Forest management systems. The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (NATO Fellowship) | |
1982 | Econometric analysis of demand for United States forest products imports and exports. USDA-FS, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon | |
1981 | Demand for United States forest products exports in the EEC. USDA-FS, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon | |
1981 | Modeling of silvico-pastoral systems. Instituto Per l’Applicazione del Calcolo, Centro Nazionale delle ricerche, Rome, Italy | |
1981 | Long term forecasting methods for forestry sector planning in developing countries. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy | |
1978 | Forest sector development planning for Indonesia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy | |
1978 | Role of labor, raw materials, energy and capital costs in the international supply of forest products. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy | |
1977 | Factors influencing United Statesforest products trade. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, USDA, Madison, Wisconsin | |
1976 | A system for the retrieval of analysis of international forest products statistics. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service USDA, Madison, Wisconsin | |
1976 | Economic models of paper and paperboard demand in developed and developing countries. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy |
B. Projects of a national or regional nature
Years | Description |
2006 – 2009 | US Forest Products Module. USDA-Forest Service FPL. |
2003 – 2006 | Managing Douglas Fir for wood quality, USDA-Forest Service, PNW station |
2001 – 2006 | Forest management models for small private owners, USDA-NRI |
2000 – 2004 | Uneven-aged models for Douglas fir. USDA-Forest Service, PNW station. |
2000 – 2005 | Analysis of capacity changes USDA Forest Service, FPL. |
2000 – 2004 | Macro approach to forest amenity valuation. USDA-FS, Southern Experiment Station. |
1999 – 2000 | The provision and value of forest amenities. USDA-FS, Southern Experiment Station. |
1998 – 2002 | Financial performance of uneven-aged mixed loblolly-hardwood stands, and implications for non-timber values. USDA-FS, Southern Experiment Station. |
1998 – 2001 | Consequences of alternative uneven-aged management for shortleaf pine. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1997 – 2000 | Modeling of economic and ecological management in Lake States Forests. USDA-FS, North-Central Experiment Station. |
1997 | Ownership characteristics and value of non-timber products. USDA-FS, Southern Experiment Station. Raleigh |
1997 | Economic and ecological management in Lake States forests. USDA-FS, NC Station, Lansing. |
1996 | Amenity values of northern hardwood stands. USDA-FS, Southern Experiment Station. |
1995 | Economic and ecological management of uneven-aged stands. European Forest Institute. |
1994 – 1998 | Economics of ecosystem management in loblolly pine. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1994 | Trends in production capacity in the U.S. and Canadian pulp and paper industry. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1994 | Modeling carbon flow in U.S. timber products, Phase II. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1994 | Relationship between economic returns and biological diversity in managed forests, Phase II. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station. |
1993 | Modeling carbon flow in U.S. timber products. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1992 | Relationship between economic returns and biological diversity in managed forests. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station. |
1991 | Models of demand for wood energy. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1991 | Models of the demand for paper products in the United States. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1991 | Economics of structural diversity in northern hardwood stands. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station. |
1990 | Modeling changes in production capacity for the North American pulp and paper industry. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1989 | Testing and improvement of a price-endogenous linear programming system for economic modeling. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory |
1988 | Evaluation and selection of FPL research proposals. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory |
1988 | Economic analysis and forecasting of changes of production capacity in the pulp and paper industry. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory |
1987 | Models of forest area changes in the United States. USDA-FS, Southern Forest Experiment Station. |
1987 | Effects of technological changes on wood use in the U.S. pulp and paper industry. Forest Service-USDA, Forest Products Laboratory. |
1987 | Economic sector modeling system for microcomputers. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory |
1986 | Implementation of PAPYRUS model of North American paper industry. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory |
1986 | Optimum harvesting of uneven-aged eastern hardwood forest stands. Competitive Grants Program, Science and Education Administration-USDA |
1985 | Forecasts of forest area changes in the North Central Region. USDA-FS, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station |
1985 | Factors influencing timber sale receipts on National Forests and implications for appraisal systems based on transaction evidence. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1984 | Second generation model of the United States pulp and paper industry. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin |
1983 | Validation and testing of North American paper industry model. USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin |
1983 | Determinants of private timber supply. Forest Service USDA, Pacific NW Forest Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon |
1982 | Econometric modeling of the pulp and paper industry, (Phase III) USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin |
1981 | Econometric modeling of the pulp and paper industry (Phase II). USDA-FS, Forest Products Laboratory Madison, Wisconsin |
1981 | Derived demand for timber grown in Northern Minnesota National Forests. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1981 | The potential demand for timber to be used as wood fuel in Northern Minnesota. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1980 | Long-term forecasting of timber demand in Northern Minnesota. USDA-FS, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1980 | Regional growth of the pulp and paper industry. USDA-FS, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon |
1979 | Econometric model of the United States pulp and paper industry. Forest Products Laboratory Forest Service, USDA Madison, Wisconsin |
1979 | Price indices for National Forest stumpage in the pacific northwest. Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service USDA, Portland, Oregon |
1978 | Regional growth of the pulp and paper industry North Central Forest Experiment Station Forest Service, USDA, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1978 | Development of price indices for pacific northwest timber species. Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA, Portland, Oregon |
1975 | A computerized model of timber utilization in the United States. Forest Products Laboratory Forest Service, USDA Madison, Wisconsin |